Jekyll template guide

Get up and running in seconds.

Markdown (or Textile), Liquid, HTML & CSS go in. Static sites come out ready for deployment.

gem install jekyll
jekyll new my-awesome-site
cd my-awesome-site
/my-awesome-site $ jekyll serve
# => Now browse to http://localhost:4000


Jekyll allows you to concoct your sites in any way you can dream up, and it’s thanks to the powerful and flexible configuration options that this is possible. These options can either be specified in a _config.yml file placed in your site’s root directory, or can be specified as flags for the jekyll executable in the terminal.


The table below lists the available settings for Jekyll, and the various options (specified in the configuration file) and flags (specified on the command-line) that control them.

Site Source
Change the directory where Jekyll will read files
source: DIR
-s, --source DIR
Site Destination
Change the directory where Jekyll will write files
destination: DIR
-d, --destination DIR
Disable custom plugins, and ignore symbolic links.
safe: BOOL
Exclude directories and/or files from the conversion. These exclusions are relative to the site’s source directory and cannot be outside the source directory.
exclude: [DIR, FILE, ...]
Force inclusion of directories and/or files in the conversion. .htaccess is a good example since dotfiles are excluded by default.
include: [DIR, FILE, ...]
Time Zone
Set the time zone for site generation. This sets the TZ environment variable, which Ruby uses to handle time and date creation and manipulation. Any entry from the IANA Time Zone Database is valid, e.g. America/New_York. A list of all available values can be found here. The default is the local time zone, as set by your operating system.
timezone: TIMEZONE
Set the encoding of files by name (only available for Ruby 1.9 or later). The default value is utf-8
encoding: ENCODING

read more about settings - jekyllrb configuration

jekyll Templates

Jekyll uses the Liquid templating language to process templates. All of the standard Liquid tags and filters are supported. Jekyll even adds a few handy filters and tags of its own to make common tasks easier.

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Olatunde Owokoniran

Creating the world of ME with each code

Lagos, Nigeria