Firebase database for SQL developers - Part 1

Most SQL developers are like “I would like to know if it is possible to use Firebase as a SQL database. I have trouble with relations in NoSQL.”

It is not possible to use Firebase in this way. Firebase is a real-time object store. It is not a SQL database and is not intended to be a replacement for one. It completely lacks mechanisms such as JOINs, WHERE query filters, foreign keys, and other tools relational databases all provide. That doesn’t mean it isn’t a valuable tool. But any attempt to treat it “like” a SQL replacement is going to fail. That’s not its purpose. But however it can give you the same end product as what you can achieve on an SQL database.

Firebase is a document-oriented / NoSQL database,

So am going to to go over how data is been stored better in sql databases and NoSQL database like the Firebase databases

Relational databases use tables to store data, and a table is made up of columns in rows, and a column is a field of data like name, birthday or age, while a row is the entire record that represent


To prevent null or empty input in the database row we use schemas.

A schemas is like a blueprints that tells the system how the data should be organized, it specified what the data-type is and also if it’s required. this is called “constraints”


one of the most important/special constraints is the primary key each row have them and must be unique because its use to uniquely identify each record.

If you want to insert data into this field that does not already exist in the database schemas for example inserting an extra field called published with the value of TRUE, Well it’s not going to allow that



So to make that possible, one have to write an alter statement to add it to the schemas, This statement will have a published column and also a constraints



But with NoSQL JSON databases like the Firebase database you don’t need any of the schemas and constraints mentioned above. JSON is really simple it has keys, and values. The key stands for an identifier while the value is just a value.

This provide a lot of flexibility so you don’t go ahead and alter your schema just to updating a field that is not there

However, just because it does not use schema and constraints does not mean you don’t have to validate the data been saved to the firebase database. The Firebase database has a rules language called security rules

This rules allow you to specify the shape and size of data values before they get saved into the database, this way you still get to validate your data structure as if it was a schema with constraints

Keep in mind that the key use in any JSON like database is more like the identifier and as to be unique, It’s also the same thing as primary key in a SQL database

More details on rules here:

So what am going do is take a relational model that you see in SQL database and them convert it to a NoSQL model that works well for the Firebase database. We will still be working with the database structure Event. So below is what it will look like designing the same database in Firebase


and the inset query is as easy as it could.


will be talking more about complex SQL structure and converting that to Firebase database structures in the next post

Olatunde Owokoniran

Creating the world of ME with each code

Lagos, Nigeria